Powerdvd 19
Powerdvd 19

powerdvd 19

So, PowerDVD does read metadata tags but, it seems, imperfectly and there's no mention of it in the documentation.CyberLink's PowerDVD remains the only legitimate Blu-ray playback software in the PC space. Metatags allow (among other things) sorting based on alternative sequences so that the original will appear in the library before the sequel in the above example, as it should. Reading the above file names (movie titles), PowerDVD will normally put them in alphabetical order in the library (The "Sequel" would be listed before the Original. But more importantly than that, I'm trying to get PowerDVD to organize my movies within the Library through the use of metadata. Sometimes it takes the name of the movie from the file name, other times from the metadata.

powerdvd 19

PowerDVD does seem to read metadata, just not very well. I don't rely on MoovieLive, I populate the movie information tags into the file container prior to placing them into the Movie Media Library. Thanks but I think we're talking about two different things.

Powerdvd 19